Rainin Instruments Puts RFID Into Pipettes

March 2, 2011 Admin

Mar. 2, 2011 Rainin Instruments, a provider of pipettes used in laboratories around the world, has launched an RFID-enabled family of products. Pipettes—cylindrical laboratory instruments composed of glass or other materials—are utilized by lab workers […]

New Fluke 5522A Multi-Product Calibrator

February 28, 2011 Admin

EVERETT, Wash. – Fluke Calibration, a global leader in calibration instrumentation and software, has introduced the 5522A Multi-Product Calibrator, designed to improve the capabilities of calibration laboratories industry wide. The 5522A is the next generation […]

Mercury Thermometers Reaching Absolute Zero

February 26, 2011 Admin

Mercury Thermometers Face Final Phase Out by Peter Gwynne l ISNS (ISNS) — The mercury thermometer, long a fixture in household medicine cabinets and industrial settings, is going the way of the horse and buggy. […]

Does Your Ruler Measure Up?

February 21, 2011 Admin

Complimentary small plastic rulers, being imprecise, innacurate, flimsy and defaced with advertising, draw only a measured amount of respect from metrologists. In 1994, two metrologists took measures to see just how much respect the rulers […]

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