With accuracy capabilities on par with laboratory grade thermometers, the Additel 282 is capable of handling even your most critical measurements. This ultra-high precision handheld readout features dual analog channels designed to facilitate comparison measurements and meet all of your temperature measurement needs. The easy-to-use touchscreen makes navigating the well-designed menus a time saving and enjoyable experience. The Lemo style smart connectors help to ensure that your probe calibration information is never in question. The ADT282 Reference Thermometer Readout helps makes metrology simple and will quickly become your new go-to when reliable temperature measurements are a must.
Additel’s 282 reference grade readout provides a temperature measurement accuracy as good as 0.005°C (readout only), with a typical system uncertain of approximately 0.013°C @ 0°C when coupled with a capable PRT. This new temperature meter is loaded with features such as dual channels, RTD & thermocouple measurement capabilities, cold junction compensation for more accurate TC measurements, a large smartphone like display, Bluetooth and USB communications, a built-in easy to access sensor library, datalogging capabilities, an IP67 rating and a rechargeable lithium battery.
Product Availability
The Additel 282 Dual-Channel Reference Thermometer Readout are available now. For more information, please visit www.additel.com. For information about other Additel products and applications, or to find the location of your nearest distributor, contact Additel corporation, 2900 Saturn Drive, #B, Brea, CA 92821, call 1-714-998-6899, Fax 714-998-6999, email sales@additel.com or visit the Additel website at www.additel.com
About Additel
Additel Corporation is one of the leading worldwide providers of process calibration tools. Additel Corporation is dedicated to the design and manufacture of high-quality handheld test tools and portable calibrators for process industries in precision pressure calibration and test instrumentation. With more than 20 years in the industry, Additel has successfully developed Dry Well Calibrators, Thermometer Readouts, Pressure Controllers, Portable Automated Pressure Calibrators, handheld Digital Pressure Calibrators, Documenting Process Calibrators, Multifunction Process Calibrators, Digital Pressure Gauges, and various Calibration and Test Pumps.