Additel Corporation is proud to announce that our model ADT761A Automated Pneumatic Pressure Calibrator is now available with the capability to generate and control pressure up to 1,500 psi. This extension in range marks a significant advancement in the ADT761A series, providing even more versatility to meet the demanding needs of our customers.
The ADT761A continues to offer the portability and automation that users have come to expect, now with an expanded pressure range. Customers can select from accuracies of 0.01%FS and 0.02%FS, ensuring precise calibrations across a broad spectrum of applications.
Here are some reasons why we think you and your customer will love the new ADT761A:
- Enhanced Pressure Range: Generate and control pneumatic pressure up to 1,500 psi, and as low as 10″ H20.
- Ideal for DP pressure transmitters, as well as measuring line pressure.
- Precision accuracy models to 0.01% of span
- Two removable internal pressure modules for multi-range selection.
- Full HART field communicator for pressure.
- Advanced Communication: Includes HART, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, USB, and Ethernet capabilities.
Onboard Data Logging: 8GB of internal storage for up to 1 million time and date stamped readings.
For more information or to request a catalog please contact us at sales@additel.com, +1-714-998-6899, or visit our website: www.additel.com