Below are Feature articles from 2021 (Vol. 28:1-4) through the current issue. If you’re looking for a different year, refer to the main Article Index page.

31:42024Oct-DecMike Zecchino, Mark MalburgAre You Measuring “Average Roughness” Correctly? There’s More to It Than You May Think
31:42024Oct-DecHeidi FoldalDigitalization in the Quality Infrastructure – Perspectives from Novo Nordisk
31:32024Jul-SepBob AngeloOptical Radiation Calibration
31:32024Jul-SepJesse MorseWhat a Long-Term Instrument Warranty Can Mean to a Calibration Operation
31:32024Jul-SepWalter NowocinA Quality Review: The Top 10 Best Papers for Life Science Calibration and Testing Laboratories
31:22024Apr-JunTerry NagyThermistor Calibration for High Accuracy Measurements
31:22024Apr-JunChristopher L. GrachanenSelecting a Reputable Proficiency Test Provider
31:22024Apr-JunTim OsborneIECEE Ruling and Its Impact on Internal Calibration Laboratories
31:12024Jan-MarLichun Wang, Yifan ZhangDeconvolution-Based Time Response Measurement for Wideband Sensors
31:12024Jan-MarHenry ZumbrunHow Low Can My Load Cell Go?
30:42023Oct-DecDavid F. MartsonSidestepping the Potholes in DC Voltage Traceability
30:42023Oct-DecJames G. SalsburySome Perspective on Risk and Decision Rules in Calibration
30:32023Jul-SepDavid LohbeckCertificate of Calibration – Accredited vs. Unaccredited Calibration
30:32023Jul-SepWalter NowocinThe Hidden Value of FDA 21 CFR Part 11 Electronic Records & Electronic Signatures
30:32023Jul-SepChristopher L. GrachanenNear Three Decades in the Making: The U.S. Dept. of Labor’s Occupational Outlook Handbook Now includes Calibration Practitioners
30:22023Apr-JunDavid SouthworthHow to Calibrate Thermometry Bridges: Ensuring Accurate Temperature Measurements
30:22023Apr-JunMichael L. SchwartzA Better Way to MET/CAL®With a Twist of Object Oriented Programming
30:12023Jan-MarHenry ZumbrunLet’s Talk About Bias: Measurement Bias
30:12023Jan-MarKai Wendler, Roberto Roca Profet, Keil Gallinger, Kyle Coleman, Alessio PollaroloImproving the Uncertainty of DC Current Measurements
30:12023Jan-MarChristopher L. GrachanenStumbling Upon a Best Calibration Practice
29:42022Oct-DecHenry Zumbrun Force Calibration Guidance for Beginners, Part 2
29:42022Oct-DecXiaoke Yan, Jintao Zhang, Yuning Duan, Wei Wang, Xiaoming HaoEffects of Impurities on the Freezing Plateau of the Triple Point of Water
29:42022Oct-DecHening HuangPractitioner’s Perspective on the GUM Revision, Part II: Examples and Resolutions to the Ballico Paradox
29:32022Jul-SepHenry ZumbrunForce Calibration Guidance for Beginners, Part 1
29:32022Jul-SepHening HuangPractitioner’s Perspective on the GUM Revision, Part 1: Two Key Problems and Solutions
29:32022Jul-SepChristopher GrachanenU.S. Calibration Occupation Demographics
29:22022Apr-Jun Stanislav Mašláň, Gareth Hinds, Mohamed Ouameur, Frédéric Overney Project LiBforSecUse: Quality Assessment of Electric Vehicle Lithium Ion Batteries for Second Use Applications
29:2 2022 Apr-Jun Martti Heinonen Metrological Challenges of Plastics Recycling
29:12022Jan-MarDiana Baldi, Heather WadeOverview of the ISO/IEC 17025 Revision Process
29:12022Jan-MarAndrew DawsonENOB: The Best Digitizer Performance Metric
29:12022Jan-MarPeter de GrootAdditive Manufacturing: New Frontiers for Production & Validation
28:42021Oct-DecRyan Egbert, Joseph RindoneTemperature Calibrations, Part 4
28:42021Oct-DecHening HuangA Case Study on Interlaboratory Consensus Building
28:42021 Oct-DecHenry ZumbrunTAR Versus TUR: Why TAR Should RIP ASAP
28:32021 Jul-SepRyan Egbert, Joseph RindoneTemperature Calibrations, Part 3
28:32021Jul-Sep John Wright, Gina Kline, Kevin John, Brian Novitsky, Jason Bellavance, Kevin Shufelt, Bradley Nease, Miles Owen, Joe Allen, Casey Rombouts, William Gause, John Cuccio Comparison Demonstrates Factor of Three Improvement in Gas Flow Measurements
28:32021Jul-SepWalter NowocinMaintaining a Calibration Management Software System in a Regulated Environment
28:22021Apr-JunRyan Egbert, Joseph RindoneTemperature Calibrations, Part 2
28:22021Apr-JunWalter NowocinImplementing a Calibration Management Software System in a Regulated Environment
28:22021Apr-JunMichael TaylorMetrology Education at Michigan’s Monroe County Community College
28:12021Jan-MarRyan Egbert, Joseph RindoneTemperature Calibrations, Part 1
28:12021Jan-MarFlavio Galliana, Roberto Cerri, Davide Corona Project of an Automated Multiple Decade Ratios Precision Divider for Generation of Low DC Voltages
28:12021Jan-MarWalter NowocinSelecting a Calibration Management Software System in a Regulated Environment