The Constants They Are A Changin’

July 20, 2011 Office

NIST News, July 19, 2011 – The electromagnetic force has gotten a little stronger, gravity a little weaker, and the size of the smallest “quantum” of energy is now known a little better. The National […]

Wahl C150 On-site Multifunction Calibrator

July 18, 2011 Office

The ergonomically designed Wahl C150 On-site Multifunction Calibrator features unique built in “easy connect” terminals, portable and bench top flexibility, and easy to use intuitive embedded software. Fully protected with an external anti-shock rubber boot […]

Trescal Acquires Stork Intermes

July 7, 2011 Office

Trescal, the international specialist for calibration services, continues its geographic expansion with the acquisition of Benelux leader Stork Intermes, from Stork Materials Technology (SMT), a material testing group headquartered in Netherland.  

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