How effective are solar modules? –

July 19, 2023 Office

PTBnews 2.2023 At PTB’s Competence Center for Photovoltaics, a new measuring facility has been developed with which the performance of solar modules under standard test conditions can be determined with much greater accuracy compared to […]

MetroloPy – Uncertainties Software

July 5, 2023 Office

MetroloPy is a pure python package and requires Python 3 and the SciPy stack (NumPy, SciPy, Pandas, and IPython)… MetroloPy can do much more including Monte-Carlo uncertainty propagation, generating uncertainty budget tables, and curve fitting. […]

Confidence in virtual flowmeters –

May 17, 2023 Office

PTBnews 2.2023 A method for calculating the simulation uncertainty of a virtual ultrasonic flowmeter has been developed in PTB’s VirtMet Competence Center. This method allows calibration factors relevant to fluid mechanics to be calculated for […]

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