by Murat Celep & Handan Sakarya
The radio frequency and microwave (RF&MW) field has undergone revolutionary changes in the last 40 years and today, RF&MW technology is more pervasive than ever. This is especially true for commercial markets, where modern applications include cellular and smart phones, wireless networking, direct broadcast satellite, television, global positioning systems, wideband radio and radar systems, and microwave remote sensing systems for environment, biomedical and healthcare applications (to name but a few). The research and development in RF and microwave technology still continue with ever-increasing demands from industry. New devices and instruments which bring new challenges to the underpinning metrology play a critical role for advancing technologies. S-parameter measurements, RF power measurements and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) tests and calibrations are important areas in microwave metrology to ensure and increase product quality and to create end user confidence.
On the behalf of the European Metrology Program for Innovation and Research program supported by the European Commission, under the coordination of TÜBİTAK – Turkey, CMI – Czech Republic, GUM -Poland, INTA – Spain, SIQ – Slovenia, RISE – Sweden, NIS – Egypt, NQIS – Greece, UPC – Spain and METAS -Switzerland, together with “15RPT01 RF Microwave” coded and “Development of RF and microwave metrology capability” project is carried out [1]. This project aimed to develop research and measurement capacities as well as expertise for EURAMET countries in RF&MW. It has done this by transferring theoretical and practical know-how between the project partners and by combining their skills to focus on microwave and EMC measurements. READ FULL ARTICLE (PDF)