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ANSI National Accreditation Board
ANAB offers a variety of training programs to individuals and organizations seeking to gain knowledge and better understanding of accreditation-related requirements and processes. ANAB’s training programs are designed to be practical and hands-on, and they are led by highly qualified assessors and industry experts with decades of experience in accreditation.
A2LA Workplace Training
Tel: 301-644-3235
A2LA WPT provides instructor-led, on-site, and e-learning course options to help you gain the knowledge you need to be a leader in your field. Our up-to-date and industry-proven course options provide valuable insight on international standards, quality systems, technical tools, and soft skills.
Bert Kotterink
Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Tel +31 40 2424280
Fax +31 40 2482772
Previously conducted training and consulting for Fluke Corporation, Eindhoven. Consultancy and Training. Conducts 5 day course on basics of metrology, traceability, standards, etc. Course can be conducted in English, German, Dutch and French. Course can be conducted onsite throughout Europe.
Saco, ME 04072
Tel: 603-712-LABS (5227)
Specialized in ISO/IEC 17025, ANSI/NCSLI Z540-series, ISO 10012, ISO 13485, AS9100, standards. We have invested in developing online asset management database that meets ISO / IEC 17025 requirements. We offer consulting, metrology training (practical), internal audit training on ISO 17025, quality management system, uncertainty calculations. Calibration laboratory setup, business development, market research.
Cal Lab Solutions, Inc.
Aurora, CO
Tel: 303.317.6670
Fax: 303.317.5295
Cal Lab Solutions, Inc. is a software engineering and consulting company, dedicated to providing your company with an affordable array of technologies allowing you to be more competitive. We believe every technology has its pros and cons. We evaluate these pros and cons then select the best, most cost effective technology for a project.
Chuck Blank P.E., CRE, CQA
Winona, MN
Tel: 507.452.3484
Mobile: 507.313.9186
Consulting & training in measurement uncertainty, accreditation, metrology, laboratory services and laboratory management.
Digital Metrology Solutions, Inc.
Tel: 812-314-0043
Fax: 561-673-0586
Custom dimensional and surface metrology software, training and consulting. Offers downloadable freeware on website.
Equipment Reliability Institute
Santa Barbara, CA
Tel: 805-564-1260
Fax: 805-564-1260
Seminars, onsite training, distance education (web based), and consultancy in vibration and shock for mechanical, electronic, aerospace, military and automotive industries.
Excel Partnership, Inc.
Sandy Hook, CT
Tel: 203-426-3281
Fax: 203-426-7811
Consulting and training in quality, environmental and regulatory management, calibration and control of measuring systems, understanding and implementing ISO Guide 25, MSA, QS-9000, GD&T, etc.
Fluke Calibration
Everett, WA
Training seminars throughout year on lab management, calibration software, fundamentals of metrology. Also manufactures reference standards, calibrators and test tools. Provides calibration services.
Integrated Sciences Group
Tel: 661-872-1683
Fax: 661-872-3669
Provides interval analysis services (ISG Interval Service); measurement technology R&D; analytical metrology consulting; metrology software system design. Also manufactures uncertainty analysis software (UncertaintyAnalyzer™); measurement decision risk analysis software (AccuracyRatio™); SPC software (SPCView)™; calibration interval analysis software (IntervalMAX™); petroleum technology management software (SteamTools™, ResHeat™). Integrated Sciences Group has developed free metrology software tools for controlling uncertainties and risks. These metrology freeware tools can be downloaded by visiting www.isgmax.com/freeware.htm.
International Institute of Consulting & Training (IICT)
Bloomington, MH
Tel: 952-881-1637
Fax: 952-881-4419
IICT offers 2-day specialized training in calibration and repair for the individual who has some knowledge of basic Metrology. Approximately 75% of the workshop involves “Hands-on” calibration, repair and adjustments of micrometers, calipers, indicators height gages, etc. Course also covers NIST Traceability, Certificates of Conformance, Gage Management, Standards, etc.
Kamal Mahajan
AMP GEO Calibration
Ronkonkoma, NY
Tel: +1 631-471-6157
Fax: +1 631-471-6158
For more than 30 years, Professor Kamal Mahajan, President of AMP Design Solutions Inc. and lead engineer and architect of their GEO Calibration and Humidity Generator product line has focussed on the manufacturing, custom design and system integration in mechanical and electronics sectors for commercial, industrial and mil-aero sector. For the last decade, Professor Mahajan has built a leading reputation in system design of temperature and humidity controlled chambers for rH probes and temperature humidity testing. With custom designs utilizing Watlow microprocessor programming controllers and now specialized microprocessing features utilizing Atmel’s AtMega644, Professor Mahajan has been sought after to integrate and collaborate on temperature/humidity chamber integration with numerous national labs and industry leaders in calibration. If you are currently experiencing challenges in temperature/humidity controls, rH probe calibration or system integration please contact Professor Mahajan. For more information on the GEO Calibration line of humidity generators, please visit www.geocalibration.com.
Kelvin-Trainingen – Metrology Support Services
t: +31 (0) 737 851 552
f: +31 (0) 848 381 228
Our partners each have more than 25 years of practical experience on all levels and with a large variety of measurements: knowledge we obtained in laboratories at a wide variety of levels and as assessors for RvA, INAB, UKAS, ISRAC, BELAC, PCA, SANAC, to name a few. Our mission is not to sit on this knowledge, but to offer our services and knowledge to you and/or your colleagues.
Learn To Calibrate LLC
New Hampshire, USA
LEARN TO CALIBRATE offers a complete calibration / metrology business solutions. Consultancy, training (quality & technical), accreditation & scope preparation, measurement uncertainty templates, CMC calculations, QMS, procedures, assist in accreditation process, business improvement, validation protocols (IQ-OQ-PQ), we also provide on-site training courses. All documents and training courses are in compliance with National & International Standards, such as ISO/IEC 17025, ISO 9001, AS9100, ISO 13485, ANSI/NCSLI Z540-series, ISO 10012, etc.
Martin DeGroot Consultancy
Tel +31 (0) 15 2682501
Fax +31 (0) 84 8341760
MartinDeGroot Consultancy is the company name for the activities of Martin de Groot for RvA, UKAS and Beltest (BKO) as a technical expert in temperature and humidity when evaluating calibration laboratories against ISO 17025.
Martin De Groot participates in Kelvin-Lab, a calibration lab for temperature and humidity. Kelvin-Lab participates in development of products for temperature and humidity measurement. Kelvin-Lab does consultancy to assist companies in temperature and humidity related problems, as well as assisting calibration and other laboratories in setting up a calibration system that meets the requirements of ISO17025.
Martin de Groot is a teacher for Kelvin-Trainingen providing courses in uncertainty assessment, temperature measurement, humidity measurement and accreditation.
NOHA Consultants
20 Hartwell Brook Drive
Nashua NH 03060
T: (603) 876-NOHA (6642)
E: nohausa@nohaconsultants.com
NOHA is a global team of quality and technical professionals with a combined world experience of more than 25 years. NOHA has served and worked with many laboratories in the field of metrology, testing of products, quality management system documentation and validation to help them achieve and maintain their accreditations and registrations.
National Engineering Laboratory
Glasgow, Scotland
Tel +44 (0)1355 220222
Fax +44 (0)1355 272999
Consultancy in process engineering, structural integrity, instrumentation and control systems, chemical compatibility, flow measurement, seismic and modal analysis, heat transfer, fluid properties, turbines, pumps and valves, computational fluid dynamics, finite element analysis. Training in flow measurement.
National Laboratory Association South Africa (NLA-SA)
Pretoria, South Africa
(+27) 012 349 1500
The NLA is the representative body that evolved from the previous National Laboratory Accreditation service, after overall responsibility for accreditation was assumed by the South African National Accreditation System (SANAS) during 1998. As part of the NLA-SA’s ongoing commitment towards the upliftment of technical skills in the Calibration, Measurement and Test Laboratory environments, we believe that it is essential that the NLA-SA, as an Association, provides this vital link between ongoing education and training and the communities it serves.
Newton Metrology Ltd.
Jerusalem, Israel
Custom and off-the-shelf software including Evaluator math and uncertainty calculator, Predictor recalibration interval estimator, MetroCom COM DLL, and MetroVal uncertainty softare that combines Evaluator and Predictor. Also provides consulting services on ISO 17025, validation and measurement uncertainty, development of measurement systems, development of time scales, and establishment and maintenance of traceable metrological measurement standards.
Tel +31 (0) 78-633 2332
Fax +31 (0) 78-633 2309
NMi offers a complete metrological service as an independent specialist for testing, certification, calibration and training. NMi has its own training department offering several trainings in the field of industrial and legal metrology. For more information, visit http://www.nmi.nl/trainingeng.
On Time Support
Tel: 281-362-0008
Fax: 281-363-0434
Consulting & training on calibration software systems and process calibration software, Met/CAL & Met/TRACK specialists. Also produce Barcode Magician (TM) for use with Met/TRACK.
QC Training Services, Inc.
3800 American Blvd W
Suite #1500
Minneapolis, MN 55431
Tel: 952-746-5725
Anish Shah – President ashah@qctraininginc.com
For more than 30 years, QC Training Services, Inc has provided public and on-site quality training seminars, workshops and consultation in the Quality and Inspection disciplines to customers across North America. Our trainers are experts in their respective fields, leveraging the latest information and industry-standards to support and grow your quality and manufacturing process improvement efforts. We also provide cost-effective Online and Virtual options.
Tel: 810-225-8588
Fax: 810-225-8589
Provides complete ISO/IEC17025 accreditation support services including consultancy, training, software and technical assistance to companies involved with ISO/IEC17025 accreditation and/or desiring to improve the quality of their measurement applications. We also provide assistance in establishing calibration activities and specialize in Measurement Uncertainty Training using our “Uncertainty Toolbox for Microsoft Excel”.
RH Andersen Consultants
Windsor/Milford, CT
Tel: 203.500.8706
Since 1992 RH ANDERSEN CONSULTANTS has been the leading provider of ISO 17025
implementation, auditing and training services in North America.
Richard Hogan, M.Eng.
Richard Hogan is the CEO of ISO Budgets, L.L.C., a U.S.-based consulting and data analysis firm. Services include measurement consulting, data analysis, uncertainty budgets, and control charts. Richard is a systems engineer who has laboratory management and quality control experience in the Metrology industry. He specializes in uncertainty analysis, industrial statistics, and process optimization.
SHOQ Quality Assurance Manuals
The ISO 17025 Quality Manual Template is an efficient system to write your laboratory quality management documentation for laboratory accreditation to the ISO/IEC 17025:2017 standard.
Sine Calibration School
Our authors, staff and peer review team have over 200 years of combined calibration experience in industries ranging from aerospace/NASA, to DoD/military, medical/FDA, to aviation/FAA. We are here to give you all the essential education every beginning technician should know in order to have a successful career.

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