by Michael Schwartz & Jack Somppi
Changing requirements in the world’s energy market are pushing the measurement performance of existing equipment to their limits. As the accuracy requirements increase, existing precision sources become marginal. Yet, replacing the existing three phase calibrated energy source with improved performance instrumentation is expensive. Many companies are looking for more cost-effective solutions and have started using less accurate three phase sources paired with a more accurate energy reference standard to achieve the accuracies required. However, using this method is more time consuming because the source has to be set and then adjusted until the reference standard meter reads the correct value before it can be compared to the UUT’s reading. We believe a similar level of accuracy can be achieved by characterizing the source with a reference standard meter and using that characterized value for a period of time. This allows the test system to run almost as fast and efficiently as it would using a more accurate source, saving labs time and money.
This paper explains how software can be used to monitor and chart the energy output of the Meatest M133C Power and Energy Standard (or similarly offered as a Fluke 6003A/E) using a Radian Research RX-33 Reference Standard tracking Frequency, Voltage, Current, Power, and Power Factor over a period of two weeks. This paper also shows that measurement uncertainties were greatly reduced, allowing for a wider range of equipment the system would now be able to test. Test labs investing in a high accuracy energy meter now have the option to use that energy meter to calibrate their energy source in place. They save on shipping cost and calibration costs because one meter can be used to calibrate, monitor, and chart multiple energy meters.