The robust, handheld R&S Scope Rider now combines the functionality of eight instruments, making it the most versatile oscilloscope in its class. New features include a spectrum analyzer, a frequency counter and a harmonic analyzer for evaluating the quality of power supplies. The right tool is always available, both in the lab and when on the road performing installation, service and maintenance activities. Since the fully insulated, handheld instrument meets measurement category CAT IV requirements, it can be used to perform measurements at the source of low-voltage installations up to 600 V.
Munich, February 8, 2017 — With the power of eight instruments and dedicated modes for XY operation, roll mode and mask testing, the battery-operated, handheld R&S ScopeRider oscilloscope provides the capabilities and the flexibility needed for debugging all kinds of electronic systems. Rohde & Schwarz has enhanced the R&S Scope Rider to include the following three options:
Spectrum analyzer
The high update rate of the new R&S RTH-K18 spectrum analyzer option allows very responsive and intuitive operation. Users see a signal simply by entering a center frequency and the desired measurement bandwidth. The min hold, max hold, clear/write tracing and mean value operating modes support subsequent analysis. The logarithmic axis display and the selectable dBm and dBV amplitude units are clear and self-explanatory. Cursors and markers can be used as usual for detailed analyses.
Unique: precision frequency counter
The R&S Scope Rider is the only handheld oscilloscope that offers a high-precision, 2-channel frequency counter. The R&S RTH-K33 software option quickly determines the clock frequency of a signal and displays it on a nine-digit display with five-digit measurement accuracy. Users can connect a high-precision reference clock to one channel to increase the accuracy to seven digits.
Harmonic analysis for assessing power supply quality
Power electronics often place a strain on the supply voltage. Analyzing the harmonics of the base signal helps ensure interference-free operation. The new R&S RTH-K34 software option can analyze such effects. It measures harmonics to the 64th order and determines the total harmonic distortion (THDr and THDf). The R&S RTH-K34 option can also measure limit values in line with EN 50160.
Users access all of the new R&S Scope Rider functions via the capacitive touchscreen. They can also operate the instrument via the rotary knob and the large keys, making it ideal for use with gloves or in harsh environments.
The new options are now available. The R&S Scope Rider comes as a 2- or 4-channel instrument for bandwidths up to 500 MHz. The list price for the base unit starts at USD 3,305. The R&S Scope Rider and all options are available under the product designation RTH10xx – from Rohde & Schwarz and from selected distribution partners. For more information, go to: www.rohde-schwarz.com/ad/press/scoperider