by Mamdouh M. Halawa
This paper describes a practical method for implementation and verification of building-up AC-DC current transfer from 10 mA and up to 10 A. A Planar multi-junction thermal converter (PMJTC) at the range of 10 mA was used with a set of coaxial current shunts to build-up the AC-DC current transfer standards for the range from 10 mA to 10 A at frequency range of 10 Hz to 1 kHz. The current level-dependence of the tested ranges at the different frequencies was determined experimentally to evaluate the corresponding corrections of those ranges. The results of building-up AC-DC difference with such corrections, of a 5 A thermal current converter (TCC), were verified by comparing with its calibrated values from PTB, Germany. An expanded uncertainty of less than 27 µA/A and 33 µA/A at 10 A for frequencies of 10 Hz and 1 kHz respectively was achieved in this work.