Currently MET/CAL® procedures can only be programmed to ask the operator a Yes or No question. MultiChoice is a MET/CAL® add-on application that allows the programmer to ask the operator a question with a list of possible answers. Now a programmer can ask the operator questions like “What is the serial prefix of the UUT? {1234B-} {2345B-} or {Above 3456A-}.” The user simply selects the correct answer from the list and the result is passed back to the MET/CAL® procedure.
Cal Lab Solutions is licensing MultiChoice to all MET/CAL® users free of charge. A copy of this software is available by visiting: http://www.callabsolutions.com/multichoice-for-fluke-metcal/.
If you have any questions please contact Sales@CalLabSolutions.com
Yes, newer versions of MET/CAL® support drop down lists, but we Cal Lab Solutions will continue to use and support MultiChoice. A new version is already available supporting MET/CAL® 7.3.
Multichoice is an integral part of all our RF & Microwave procedures from Cal Lab Solutions come standard with MultiChoice.exe. This tool allows us to create procedures so they can run in an End-To-End Mode (with minimized connections) or in Test-Selection Mode allowing users to choose each test group.
MET/CAL® user who have ran our Automated Procedures have experienced the “Cal Lab Solutions Difference!” When is comes to automating complex instruments we are numero uno; the only company in the industry that is an Agilent Channel Partner.
Correction – The MET/CAL® procedure language was updated back on January 11, 2008 to support more than just single Yes/No responses.
In all versions later than 7.20SP1 (Editor/Runtime versions 7.20x) support List Box entries.
note: For previous versions of MET/CAL® the Multichoice is a good solution.
Please see the code below for an example of how to use the built in function in MET/CAL® Editor.
1.001 MATH id = lbNew(“Example List Box”)
1.002 MATH lbText(id, “What is the serial prefix of the UUT?”)
1.003 MATH lbAddV(id, “1234B-“, “SN_1234B”)
1.004 MATH lbAddV(id, “2345B-“, “SN_2345B”)
1.005 MATH lbAddV(id, “Above 3456A”, “SN_above_3456A”)
1.006 MATH lbAddV(id, “Other”, “Other”)
1.007 MATH op = lbShow(id)
1.008 IF SN_1234B
1.009 DISP you selected serial prefix 1234B
1.010 ELSEIF SN_2345B
1.011 DISP You selected serial prefix 2345B
1.012 ELSEIF SN_above_3456A
1.013 DISP You selected serial prefix above 3456A
1.014 ELSE
1.015 DISP You selected Other
1.016 ENDIF