The Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s (ORNL’s) Metrology Lab was recently accredited by the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) for Low Air Velocity Calibrations over the range of 0.25 to 6.4 m/s (50-1260 ft/min) using its open-channel wind tunnel with a laser-doppler anemometer (LDA) primary standard. ORNL also developed a method to provide traceability to NIST directly via length and time to provide excellent measurement uncertainties. The 30.5 X 30.5 cm (12 X 12 inch) test section is adequate to easily handle anemometers up to 4 inches in diameter.
The low velocity calibration capabilities were developed specifically to answer needs of the industrial hygiene community for fume hood face velocity measurements but is applicable to any air velocity calibration or special study.
ORNL can also provide NIST-traceable calibrations for air velocity from 6.4 to 46 m/s (1260-9000 ft/min) in a separate wind tunnel using the same LDA. ORNL plans to add this wind tunnel to its scope of accreditation sometime this year.
For more information, contact Mike Duncan 865-574-7349 or duncanml@ornl.gov or visit www.ornl.gov/sci/metrology.