PTB-News 3.2019 24.09.2019

At PTB, a pulse-driven Josephson standard for the generation of AC voltages has been realized where the voltage pulses are synthesized by means of optical components. This has advantages compared to the conventional operating procedure where the driving voltage pulses are conducted onto the superconducting chip via RF conductors.
Josephson Arbitrary Waveform Synthesizers (JAWS) allow quantized AC voltages to be synthesized with arbitrary and spectrally pure waveforms. They are based on series arrays of superconducting Josephson junctions of the kind manufactured in the Clean Room Center of PTB. Effective output voltages of more than 2 V have already been demonstrated at PTB. For this purpose, 16 JAWS arrays were operated in series with the driving voltage pulses being conducted onto the superconducting Josephson junctions, which were cooled in a liquid helium dewar, via an RF conductor per array.
Source: Photon drive for quantum flux transfer