October 21, 2022 – Pressure measuring and monitoring near homogenizers, separators, and heat exchangers requires hygienic instrumentation that can tolerate vibrations, pulsations, wide temperature and humidity changes, and processes that require hot caustic cleaning solutions and acid rinses.
Ralston Instrument’s digital LC20 Diaphragm Pressure Gauge is an ideal solution. With an IP67 rating, an ultra smooth diaphragm surface, and hygienic tri-clamp connections that allow the gauge to be steamed or cleaned in place, it maintains impressive ±0.1% full scale accuracy in the abusive environments common to the food & beverage, pharmaceutical and biotech industries.
The LC20 Diaphragm Pressure Gauge allows you to perform logging and live viewing of pressure over USB or wireless. Choose from among 15 engineering units or add your own custom units using the included FieldLab software. It’s available in 11 pressure ranges, 5 psi / 35 kPa to 15,000 psi / 100 Mpa, a compound vacuum/pressure gauge from -/+15 psi, and a digital vacuum gauge measuring up to 30 inHg / 760 mbar.
With the LC20 sanitary gauge you’re guaranteed safe, contamination-free pressure measuring and monitoring every time.