Aurora, CO, January 20, 2022 — Cal Lab Solutions, Inc., a metrology software and consulting company, announces the release of Metrology.NET V.2. Now a mature product, Metrology.NET is 21st century engineered software, incorporating scalable, low-code solutions for the calibration lab. Features with Metrology.NET V.2 include:
- New Look – Originally designed with mobile devices in mind, the updated version continues to prioritize form and function with a user-friendly and intuitive interface.
- Updated Capabilities – By utilizing Amazon Web Services Code Deploy Agent, updates can now be applied seamlessly, so if you are in the middle of an automated calibration, it will not be interrupted. Auto Scaling has also been implemented to boost performance when necessary.
- Scalability – Metrology.NET can be implemented in your lab through a cloud-based, hosted system or stand-alone on your company servers. Additionally, you have the option of utilizing a pared down “slim” version of the software. Custom development can integrate Metrology.NET to work with your existing lab software.
- Starter Pack – Our Starter Pack comes with any new implementation of Metrology.NET and includes over 400 test packages for a variety of UUTs such as power supplies, oscilloscopes, and analyzers. Metrology Blocks is a tool that also comes with Metrology.NET and makes building your own test packages easy.
With today’s shortage of qualified technicians, calibration labs need automation that is fast to develop, easy to run, and doesn’t stop production when there’s a problem. To learn more, visit https://www.metrology.net. Email sales@callabsolutions.com or call (303) 317-6670 – MST to schedule a demo of Metrology.NET Version 2.0 today!
About Cal Lab Solutions, Inc.
Cal Lab Solutions, Inc. is a metrology based software engineering company located in Aurora, Colorado. We develop both customized and off-the-shelf software in Metrology.NET and Fluke MET/CAL, as well as generic, stand-alone procedures for various T&M equipment from DC to lightwave. Our Metrology.NET system and drivers provide support for self-maintainers of RF and microwave, pressure, DC and low frequency, torque, temperature, flow, force, humidity, mass, etc. We also provide consulting and engineering of calibration workstations for electrical and RF and microwave T&M equipment.