Project TracePQM

April 8, 2019 Office

by Stanislav Mašláň & Oliver Power This paper introduces European project TracePQM focused on the development of an open, modular, metrology grade measurement system for traceable measurement of electric power and power quality parameters. The […]

A Tool for Validating Spreadsheets

January 25, 2019 Office

by Christopher L. Grachanen Spreadsheets are one of the most prolific software tools used in calibration and test laboratories. From simple math computations and to sophisticated data curve fitting, spreadsheets are typically the de facto […]

Software is Cheaper Labor

January 25, 2019 Michael Schwartz

Over the years I have watched several labs go through the decision process to purchase new hardware. Most labs have the same process: look at the work load requiring the new hardware, and calculate the […]

The GUM Tree Calculator (GTC)

December 31, 2018 Office

The GUM Tree Calculator (GTC) is a data processing tool with full support for uncertainty calculations involving real and complex quantities. GTC is a stand-alone executable for Windows. It can handle instructions typedat the command […]

No Faking Automation

November 5, 2018 Office

by Michael Schwartz Automation has its own quality system automatically built in. When software performs the same test, the same way over and over again, it can’t be wrong. There is no fake it till […]

Creating a Taxonomy for Metrology

April 3, 2018 Office

by Michael Schwartz This paper covers the progress of the MII (Measurement Information Infrastructure) effort to create a standard for expressing a calibration laboratory capabilities, ISO/IEC 17025 Scope of Accreditation (SoA) in a XML formatted […]

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