A New Way to Measure Nearly Nothing | NIST

October 19, 2018 Office

October 19, 2018 Many semiconductor fabricators and research labs are under increasing pressure from, of all things, vacuum. These facilities need to remove greater amounts of gas molecules and particles from their setups as new […]

Dynamic calibration of force transducers | PTB.de

September 5, 2018 Office

PTB-News 2.2018 – The reliable measurement of dynamic forces plays an important role in industry. To provide the metrological infrastructure required, PTB has been pursuing an approach that describes the dynamic behavior of the force […]

Calibration certificates go digital | PTB.de

September 5, 2018 Office

PTB-News 2.2018 – Conventional calibration certificates could soon become history. To furnish proof that a measuring instrument has been calibrated and of how this has been done, metrology institutes throughout the world could, in the […]

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