Gigahertz-Optik LED Calibration Standard

April 13, 2023 Office

In photometry and colorimetry, standard CIE illuminant A tungsten-filament light sources have exclusively been used as calibration standard sources since 1932. As LEDs increasingly replace traditional lighting new means and methods of calibration are needed […]

Metrological Challenges of Plastics Recycling

May 12, 2022 Office

by Martti Heinonen Europe aims at climate neutrality by 2050; to achieve this, plastic recycling needs to be increased through better processes and technologies. There is an increasing need for measurement technology that enable efficient […]

Diode lasers for optical metrology |

November 4, 2021 Office

PTBnews 03.2021 — In collaboration with an industrial partner, PTB has developed and assessed a very compact wavelength standard. This standard is based on a diode laser whose frequency is stabilized to transitions of the […]

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