Additel 286 Multifunction Reference Thermometer Readout

April 25, 2019 Office

Brea, Calif., April 25, 2019–Additel Corporation introduces their new ADT286 Multifunction Reference Thermometer Readout which combines a high-end reference thermometer with an expandable data acquisition system and an 8.5-digit multi meter. The ADT286 is capable […]

AMETEK STC Temperature Calibration Services

March 28, 2019 Office

SAN LUIS OBISPO, USA – AMETEK STC has announced that they have expanded their A2LA accredited calibration lab and repair department in San Luis Obispo, CA, to now include temperature calibrators. This means that all […]

Fluke Calibration 5128A RHapid-Cal

March 28, 2017 Office

Everett, Wash., March 23, 2017 – Fluke Calibration introduces the 5128A RHapid-Cal Humidity Generator, a portable, versatile humidity generator for calibrating a large workload of probes and loggers in the field or in the laboratory. […]

A New, World-Class Facility for Infrared Calibrations

October 21, 2015 Office

Source: NIST is about to open the world’s most accurate facility for calibrating infrared (IR) detectors. It is made possible by the establishment of an extremely precise reference scale for detector performance based on NIST’s […]

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