by Christopher Grachanen
While researching to determine if calibration occupations had been included in the U.S. Department of Labor’s (DOL) Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOC), I came across a May 2021 DOL report with a wealth of information about calibration practitioners. Folks may remember there was a successful industry initiative to petition the U.S. DOL to formally recognized calibration occupations as denoted in its Standard Occupation Classification (SOC) system, the first step in getting calibration occupations included in the OOC. The OOC is the government’s premier source of career guidance featuring hundreds of occupations widely used by councilors and educators to inform students about different occupations and forecasted job growth. The following is a snippet from the OOH for Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technologist and Technicians showing a cornucopia of information for the occupation. It is anticipated OOH next revision will include calibration occupation.